Yeh, I'm not very good at this blogging malarky. I try but it's too hard!! So on day 5 I went for a bike, but again just at the gym. Finding it tough to get out on the road during the week. The daytime is short and I don't fancy being out on the road in the dark, wet and wind. So gym it is. Also did a bit of core (my Davina DVD workout!).
Day 5's Totals:
Day 6, my ankle was really sore, I think maybe with being back at work and having a busy week where I did a lot of driving which I think just doesn't help. So I did another weights and core workout, as I did on day 4:
3 x 12 Chest Flys
3 x 12 Shoulder Clean & Press
3 x 12 Chest Press
3 x 12 Bicep Curl
3 x 12 Tricep Curl
3 x 12 Forearm Curls
Day 7, I have failed. NOT HAPPY. I have felt rotten all day. Light head, felt sick, headache, ear ache, sore throat. Went to sleep for about 2 hours earlier this afternoon and didn't really feel any better. I felt the best thing to do is not to get out on the bike. I would only feel more drained and mess up the rest of the week. Hopefully tomorrow I will feel better. The only exercise I did was going for a walk at Willen Lake with Finn, while Ape was volunteering at Parkrun. I reckon chasing an 18 month old around a big lake and around a park counts as exercise.........?
Janathon Totals:
Miles: 57.5
Time: 3:50:37
Weight: 89.3kg (Change = +/- 1.2kg)
On an unrelated note, have you seen that British Heart Foundation advert with Vinnie Jones? Had that song stuck in my head most of the week now and the plan is to get it stuck in your head too ;-)
Vinnie BHF